The spring 2024 'Take a Kid Fishing Days' event was a huge success. So many fish were caught. We had just under 500 people over the three days, with 212 of those being kids!!
Spring 2024 Sponsors
We'd like to say THANK YOU to all our amazing sponsors that come forward to help us continue to put on these amazing events!!!
Click on the Sponsor Pages below to check out our Sponsor Logo Page - while there, click on any sponsor logo to connect directly with that sponsor. Let's all show support for these AWESOME sponsors!!
Top Weigh Ins
1st Place Darla Palmer 5 lb 12 oz
2nd Place Jesus Gallardo 5 lb 8 oz
3rd Place Roland Plummer 4 lb 14 oz
Daily Top Weigh-In Prizes
Thank You Joshua Youngs, Medicare Pease of Mind for sponsoring the $100 Daily Top Weigh-In Prizes
Friday Roland Plummer 4 lb 14 oz
Saturday Jesus Gallardo 5 lb 8 oz
Sunday Darla Palmer 5 lb 12 oz
NAME THAT FISH CONTEST WINNER: Congratulations ElleAnna Barnes
Volunteers: We'd also like to send out a HUGE Thank You! to our awesome volunteers - Carolee Coleman, Ron Schaefer, William Clarius, Cody Clarius, Benny Bobbit, Nick Ng, Mike Ternes,Natasha Trueblood, Mary Ainslie, Randy Cura, Clinton Curameng, Nick DeCarlo, Kent Schippert, Marilyn Dansby, Bobby Guzman, Harry Knaub, Gary Darling, Angela Durant & Brian Prescott! These are the warm bodies that do the running to weigh or assist during these events! We really couldn't keep up during these , events without our amazing volunteers. THANK YOU!!
Tons of fish were caught all 3 days with just under 200 Kids and just over 200 Adults attendeding the Spring 2024 'Take a Kid Fishing Days' Event